The BBC reports that Stop Delaying Justice the latest Government initiative to steamline the courts process is causing miscarriages of justice.
Criminal Defence practitioners have been arguing for months that justice is being undermined by the expectation that clients should admit or deny offences without having perused the evidence against them. In some cases already that evidence once provided has exonnerated the defendants who may have otherwise pleaded guilty.
Mortons Solicitors vehemently oppose forcing defendants to indicate a plea without being provided with the evidence to prove our clients guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. We argue for adjournments where necessary. When the evidence is provided at a later date and our clients enters a guilty plea, we will advocate to ensure that our clients gets the maximum credit for an early guilty plea.
The delays in preparing the paperwork, preparing the forensic reports are not the fault of the defendant and is why Mortons Solicitors are passionate that defendants should not be disadvantaged. Neither should they be bullied or rushed into the decision. This is just another reason to outline the importance of having a criminal defence solicitor to represent you.