by Simon Morton | 15 Jan, 2021 | Company News, General News, Staff
We are proud to welcome Peter Malone who joins us as an Associate Solicitor-Advocate from a Cheshire firm. Peter holds Rights of Audience in the Higher Courts and will conduct work for Mortons Solicitors at both Magistrates & Crown Courts.
by Simon Morton | 9 Jan, 2021 | Appeals, Criminal Law, General News, Sentencing
Here we look at the implications and effectiveness of Release Under Investigation (RUI) as opposed to police bail.
by Simon Morton | 6 Jan, 2021 | Appeals, Criminal Law, General News, Sentencing
This article looks a case of neglect by a carer where the defendant, diagnosed with autism, was convicted of gross negligence manslaughter.
by Simon Morton | 3 Jan, 2021 | Appeals, Criminal Law, General News
Here we look at a recent case of Jordan Atkinson who was convicted of intentionally assisting offences and why these cases can be complicated.
by Simon Morton | 30 Dec, 2020 | Appeals, Criminal Law, General News
Here’s a recent case looking at the complexity of a local authority confiscation order on a multiple occupancy property.