Uber and issues with Plying for Hire
With the rise in popularity of Uber – issues regarding the offence of “plying for hire” have come to the fore – but what is “plying for hire”?
With the rise in popularity of Uber – issues regarding the offence of “plying for hire” have come to the fore – but what is “plying for hire”?
If a sentence is “unduly lenient” the case can be referred back to court to be reconsidered. Find out how and why this is likely.
There are rare occasions a witness may not get to complete giving evidence for one reason or another. Here we look at what can happen…
There are rare occasions a witness may not get to complete giving evidence for one reason or another. Here we look at what can happen…
With a 2nd lockdown being introduced across England, we look at what you can – and can’t – do under the new restrictions.