Criminal Law Articles
As one of the North West’s leading Criminal Solicitors, this section has all the useful articles we have collated which relate to criminal law. In this section you will find out about new laws, amendments to existing laws and precedents set – as well as opinion and lot’s of great advice from our award-winning crime team.
The Use of e-Scooters & The Law
Did you know that e-scooters are classed as a motor vehicle. We look at where they can’t be used and that it could lead to prosecution…
Consultation takes place to review security and tougher measures over use of firearms and ammunition.
A consultation looking at the use of Firearms and Ammunition has taken place. Tougher measures and tightened security seem to be the result. Read More…
Can a sentence be reviewed if it’s too lenient?
If a sentence is “unduly lenient” the case can be referred back to court to be reconsidered. Find out how and why this is likely.
Defence strategy for a crime you didn’t commit
There are rare occasions a witness may not get to complete giving evidence for one reason or another. Here we look at what can happen…
What happens if a witness can’t complete giving evidence?
There are rare occasions a witness may not get to complete giving evidence for one reason or another. Here we look at what can happen…
What You Can Do In The 2nd Lockdown
With a 2nd lockdown being introduced across England, we look at what you can – and can’t – do under the new restrictions.
The Importance of the Closing Speech by the Defence in Criminal Trials
He we look at the importance of the closing speech for the defence, what it consists of – and what makes a good closing speech.
Human Trafficking used as a defence
A recent case has shown how one defendant has said that human trafficking was their defence to another crime they had committed. Here’s what happened…
What can happen if you ignore planning laws.
If you ignore planning laws, the implications can be eye-watering. Here we look at 3 cases of why planning laws should be taken seriously.
Rape “Myths & Stereotypes”
With a reduction in rape prosecutions, the CPS have published a review into guidelines for the prosecution and looks at “myths & stereotypes”.