Criminal Law Articles
As one of the North West’s leading Criminal Solicitors, this section has all the useful articles we have collated which relate to criminal law. In this section you will find out about new laws, amendments to existing laws and precedents set – as well as opinion and lot’s of great advice from our award-winning crime team.
The Incitement Rules Undercover Police Officers Must Follow To Obtain Evidence
Agent provocateur, which is French for “inciting agent”, is an entrapment situation in which a person is enticed, incited or encouraged to commit a criminal offence which they wouldn’t have committed otherwise.
How Manslaughter Sentencing Has Changed
The Sentencing Council, who’s responsibility it is to set sentencing guidelines in England and Wales, has just recently issued a new guideline in relation to manslaughter offences.
Death Penalty And Extradition Law In The UK
It is over 50 years since we have head the death penalty here in the UK. In 1964, Peter Allen and Gwynne Evans were the last people to be hung in England for the murder of John West, 15 months before the abolition of the death penalty.
Is Consent As Simple As Yes Or No?
Yes means yes, and no means no, right?
When it comes to consent, the law surrounding the issue is much more detailed and nuanced than a simple yes or no issue.
How Health And Safety Offences Are Monitored
It’s health and safety gone mad! Or is it? The Health and Safety Executive is the national regulator for workplace health and safety.
Criminal Charges For The Use Of Explosives
A large proportion of recent offences using explosives have been related to cash machine theft, as opposed to the guy Fawkes style attacks of centuries passed.
Participating in Organised Crime – Q&A’s
Participating in Organised Crime is a new offence created by the Serious Crime Act 2015 legislation. Section 45 of the Act makes it an offence to participate in the activities of an organised crime group.
New Intimidatory Offences Sentencing Guidelines
he Sentencing Council has published new definitive guidelines for intimidatory offences sentencing to take effect in respect to all cases sentenced on or after 1 October 2018.
What is a Criminal Behaviour Order?
The criminal behaviour order (CBO) replaced the Anti-social behaviour order (ASBO) and can be made if convicted of a criminal offence. There are some key differences between the two orders, but the overall impact is very similar.
Offences Taken Into Consideration (TICs)
What are TICs? TICs are offences taken into consideration at the time of sentencing. Here we explore what they are – and their implications for you.