Legal Funding Articles
In this section you will find a collection of articles, news items, advice and information in relation to Legal Funding. From the much-publicised issues and changes around Legal Aid – to offering advice and support on ways of funding your right to a legal defense.
Support Greater Manchester Law Centre
Mortons Solicitors specialise in defending both private clients and legal aid clients with niche areas of criminal law. General Crime, Serious Sexual Offences, Motoring Offences, Regulatory Crime Including Inquests.
Criminal Court Charge No Longer Applies
From 24th December 2015 the Criminal Court Charge no longer applies which will be welcome relief to defendants appearing before the Criminal Courts in England and Wales.
Criminal Courts Charge
Despite the legal aid protests and threats to the criminal legal profession over unworkable ‘duty contracts’, a new threat to justice and the rule of law comes into effect from the 13th April 2015.
Legal Aid Judicial Review
The Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association (CLSA) and the London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association (LCCSA) currently engaged in challenging by way of judicial review the Ministry of Justices’ (MOJ) decision to plough on with the legal aid crime duty tender process. The Law Society is also proposing a similar but separate action.
New Legal Aid Consultation
Only days after the CLSA & LCCSA succeeded with the Judicial Review of the Ministry of Justice Legal Aid Duty Contracts Consultation, the MOJ respond with another consultation
Legal Aid Cuts – Judicial Review Success
Mortons Solicitors are delighted to hear the news of the successful judicial review of the Government plans for cutting criminal legal aid by £220 million. At the High Court Mr Justice Burnett ruled that the Ministry of Justice consultation process was “so unfair as to amount to illegality”.
Legal Aid – Where Do We Stand?
Mortons Solicitors continue to provide excellence in criminal matters whether legally aided or for our client paying clients.
Legal Aid U-Turn
We are urging everyone to sign the Save Justice legal aid petition.
If the petition reaches 100,000 signatures there will be a debate in parliament.
You might not need a criminal defence solicitor today or tomorrow. But you might one day, even people of good character with no previous convictions.
Grayling U-Turn : Client Choice To Remain
Despite criminal solicitors and barristers across the country, in addition to members of parliament and Senior Judges all saying that the changes would undermine the entirety of the criminal justice system in this country, it appeared as if the Justice Secretary wasn’t minded to listen to us.
Legal Aid Petition Reaches 100,000
We are urging everyone to sign the Save Justice legal aid petition.
If the petition reaches 100,000 signatures there will be a debate in parliament.
You might not need a criminal defence solicitor today or tomorrow. But you might one day, even people of good character with no previous convictions.