Disqualified From Driving Articles
A selection of disqualified from driving articles from our blog which will provide advice and information for disqualified drivers. This includes details on how you can get your licence back early, how it can affect your job, your home life and much, much more.
This section of our website provides a useful resource for advice, information and changes or developments in the Drug-Driving Law.
Legal News Round-Up – Ferbruary 2025
Here we take a look at some of the legal news that made the headlines in January in the latest of our series of round-up articles.
Serious Violence Reduction Orders
Serious Violence Reduction Orders (SVRO) come into being from April this year. We take a deep dive into the implementation of these new orders.
Parole Board Reforms – What Will They Mean?
New Parole Board reforms are taking place which will see more members with a policing background added to the panel. We look at the implications.
Should there be a lifetime ban from driving?
Should a lifetime ban for driving be appropriate in certain circumstances. We look at recent case studies into the notion of a lifetime ban.
12 New & Revised Sentencing Guidelines Published Relating to Motoring Offences
12 new & revised sentencing guidelines have been published in relation to serious motoring offences. We take a look at their impact.
Changes to Driving Disqualifications
New guidelines are now being proposed in respect of disqualifications from driving following a review by the sentencing council. Here we take a look at the changes proposed.
Can You Be Banned From Driving For A Non-Traffic Offence?
Did you know that you can be banned from driving for a non-traffic offence? No? Well you can. Find out what circumstances could see you face a driving ban.
Is it a crime to not provide a breath sample when asked?
If the police suspect that you are over the limit then you are obliged to give a sample, it doesn’t matter if you know that you are under the limit. The same rule applies if the police have reason to believe that you were driving even if you weren’t.
Points, Lies & Prison
One of the most serious offences before a criminal court is the offence of ‘perverting the course of justice’, this is because it strikes at the very heart of the criminal justice system.
Driving Disqualification – Get Your Licence Back Early
Most people are unaware that it is possible to get your licence back early if they apply to the court. Therefore, if your circumstances have changed since being disqualified, it is worth discussing with one of our criminal law specialists whether or not you can take advantage of this…