If you need expert advice from specialist criminal solicitors for indecent images offences contact us now! Mortons Solicitors can advise you and provide expert representation at Court.
Call us for immediate advice by telephone on 0161 477 1121.
Why You Need Legal Representation For Indecent Images Offences
Your reputation and your liberty may be at stake if you are facing this type of allegation. Often there are implications for others in your household. You should not face prosecution for indecent image offences without specialist legal representation.
The expertise and specialist knowledge of Morton’s Solicitors means that we have been able to achieve non-custodial sentences in a large number of cases. In our experience the most successful outcomes start with the right advice at the police station.
The accusation and stigma associated with indecent image offences can have a traumatising effect upon personal, family and work life. These investigations are often lengthy whilst the police await the forensic analysis of the computer or phone equipment.
It is not uncommon for the police to delay interviewing a suspect until they are in possession of the results of the forensic examination.
We deal with a high volume of this type of case with cases vary from just one image to over a million indecent images and from simple possession to creation/distribution. We are familiar with allegations concerning peer to peer networks and/or the dark ‘deep’ web. We have dealt with cases involving the full range of image categorisations
We are discreet and non-judgemental.
A conviction for this type of offending can trigger a notification requirement to “sign on the Sex Offenders Register” and the court may make a Sexual Harm Prevention Order. An allegation has to therefore be viewed seriously as there could be serious and long-lasting ramifications for your career and/or personal life.
We can help achieve the best possible outcome. Call us now on 0161 477 1121, or email us by clicking the button below.
What To Expect Using Specialist Solicitors
There are potential defences for possessing indecent photos of children. These are some of them:-
• having a legitimate reason for possessing them,
• not having seen the photos,
• they were sent to you unknowingly and not kept long e.g. being sent indecent photos in an email attachment, looking at them and deleting them.
• Possessing images for work purposes.
Successfully defending an allegation concerning indecent images involves:-
• Expert analysis of the evidence
• Expert analysis of the unused prosecution material
• The use of specialist computer analysts, who can counter any expert evidence relied upon to prosecute you
You need specialist and expert advice now! Morton’s Solicitors can advise you and provide expert representation for Indecent Images offences. Call us now on 0161 477 1121 for immediate advice.
How We Can Help
Some of the most important decisions made in relation to an indecent images case are made at the police station.
If Mortons Solicitors are involved at an early stage of an investigation, we are often able to affect the outcome.
You are not obliged to say anything to the police and we advise all clients to maintain their right to silence until they speak with us.
A case can proceed solely on admissions made to the police without the need for witnesses to ever attend court.
You are entitled to have a solicitor present FREE of charge at any police interview. This is true for what may seem to be the most trivial offences. You should never be interviewed without legal representation.
Call us now for immediate advice on 0161 477 1121.
Award-Winning Crime Team of the Year
Why You Are In Safe Hands with Morton’s Solicitors – Stockport, Manchester & Cheshire.
In early 2018 we were absolutely delighted to have been awarded the Manchester Legal Awards 2018 – “Crime – Team of the Year” award.
Not only is this based on our ability to get fantastic results for our clients, but we also offer an extremely friendly, discreet and client-focused service which has earnt us the plaudits.
What this means for any prospective client is that your case is going to be in some of the safest hands in Criminal Defense for Stockport, Greater Manchester & across the North West.

Contact Us
20-22 Middle Hillgate, Stockport, Greater Manchester, SK1 3AY
Tel: 0161 477 1121
Email: [email protected]
Secure Email: [email protected] (secure email/CJSM users only)